Saturday, July 5, 2008

Overregulation and Monopoly

Overregulation and monopoly

The Natural Health Product manufacturing industry in Canada is still a very competitive and innovative marketplace despite 20 000 products being removed due to the regulations introduced in 2004. The Natural Health Product Directorate has placed 70% of NHP's in danger and Bill C51 will make the environment more hostile.

In order to ensure an innovative and competitive industry, we must NOT over-regulate and cause a monopolization of the industry by a few large firms. In Australia, the industry went from hundreds of manufacturers to only four in 10 years, after Bill C-51 style regulations were introduced. Our radio show Health Empowerment with Croft Woodruff has received a large amount of feedback from listeners about Bill C-51 and the message is clear. People do not want their foods, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fatty acids treated like drugs. These products are safe and effective.

Andrew McGivern
Omira Health Centers Inc